I love Gareth Southgate. Truly and deeply. And not because he dresses sharply, although that helps. And not because he seems like a caring, balanced guy, which is also a plus. I love him because he wins. I love him because he has turned around English football in a way that continues to be underestimated and verges on the miraculous. Ahead of tomorrow's England v France … [Read More]
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Why Gareth Southgate is England’s best ever manager
I love Gareth Southgate. Truly and deeply. And not because he dresses sharply, although that helps. And not because he seems like a caring, balanced guy, which is … [Read More]
On birthdays, Brexit and Boris: having your cake with Marcel Proust
In the summer of 2014, Boris Johnson announced he would be running at the next general election to become the MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip, having been selected … [Read More]
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Why Gareth Southgate is England’s best ever manager
I love Gareth Southgate. Truly and deeply. And not because he dresses sharply, although that helps. And not because he seems like a caring, balanced guy, which is … [Read More]
What’s going to happen in the local elections 2022?
Just to get started here, I am not going to predict the outcome in full. That would be a fool's errand. There are way too many variables to even begin to pull … [Read More]
Why Gareth Southgate is England’s best ever manager
I love Gareth Southgate. Truly and deeply. And not because he dresses sharply, although that helps. And not because he seems like a caring, balanced guy, which is also a plus. I love him because he wins. I love him because he has turned around English football … [Read More]
Can Boris Johnson be fixed with better advisors? Let’s look at the possibilities
In amongst the "It's all a Remainer plot" and "They all thought it was a work function" excuses being trotted out by those desperate to keep Boris Johnson in Number 10, we also have the old "He just needs better people around him" chestnut making the rounds. … [Read More]
What’s really wrong with the mainstream media in Britain
I've wanted to write this one for a while, mainly because it seems like in our polarised age everyone has a view on the mainstream media or legacy media or "the dreaded MSM" depending on who you are, ones that are rarely in tune with reality. Either the MSM is … [Read More]
Why the Tories are in more trouble than you might think
Before we start in earnest here, I want to say right off the bat that what follows is not a prediction. We live in completely bonkers times and I am not about to tell you what will happen at the next election because I really have no idea. In fact, all I'm … [Read More]