I recall vividly the day a couple of weeks ago when the designations for the official campaigns of the EU referendum were announced. As expected, Stronger In and Vote Leave got the respective nods. Then Arron Banks said he was going to contest the decision – meaning the referendum might have to be postponed until October at least. My heart froze – the concept of another six months of EU crap was more than I could bear imagining.
Thankfully, that never came to pass and we definitely only have to put up with it all until June 23rd. But another day, another inane Boris quote:
“For us to be bullied in this way – I don’t want to exaggerate – for people to say that we are going to be unable to cope on our own is absolutely wrong.”
This is the second time Boris has used the “bullied” concept in less than a month. We had it last when he told us that people should not be “bullied” into publishing their financial details. The thing is, while it may be tempting to have another go at BoJo here, on this it isn’t really his fault (or at least it isn’t all his fault). You get doorstepped and asked about Europe for the sixtieth time, what the hell are you supposed to come up with? There really isn’t that much to say on the topic.
Worse than Boris is Grayling (I know that’s a statement of the obvious, but stick with me here). Today he’s telling us that the junior doctors strike could be settled by leaving the EU. One wonders what leaving the EU will be able to achieve next in regards to things that the UK government supposedly cannot do while we remain part of the European Union. Apparently every decision that Number 10 has had to make over the last six years has been down to the EU – the fact that Cameron and Osborne don’t agree with this prognosis does not make it any less so, all right?
Seriously, I wish I could leave the country for the next eight and a half weeks. And before some of you Brexiteers out there say that we wouldn’t have to hear about it again if we voted to Leave, two points to bring up: one, actually we’d have to hear about it non-stop for the next two years as Britain negotiated its way out and two, we’d then have no international trade treaties, which would be worse, believe it or not, than having to hear Chris Grayling talk about what a socialist paradise, with dosh flying about to pay junior doctors a plenty, the UK would be if only we left the EU.
It’s only 59 more days. Keep ticking them down with me.
nigel hunter says
We leave the EU. I have heard that it could take up to 2 years or 5 plus years to negotiate new trade agreements What happens to our industries, businesses in that 2 years? will prices go up as new contracts have to be negotiated? Will workers loose their jobs as companies contract, fight for new work?
Boris J slurring Obama’s heritage. Does this imply an under the surface nastiness to his character, personality? On top is his cheery affable type front and Chris Grayling dreaming of a socialist paradise, him a right wing Tory? I will be ticking the days down with you.