So here we are. After what feels like years of campaigning, the polling stations will open less than 24 hours from now on what will be one of the most momentous decisions the country has ever undertaken.
At present I feel a bit like someone who has been told he might have cancer, but the results will be given to me over the next 48 hours. At the end of that time span, I could be told I am going to die – or I could be told it is all clear. If people think I’m exaggerating for effect, I’m not. I genuinely think Brexit would be a total disaster. I could be wrong about that, but I don’t really want to ever find out for sure.
What’s new? The polls remain neck in neck and it is impossible to know how accurate they really are anyhow. It feels like a narrow Remain win is coming – but there is every chance that everyone has it totally wrong. There are all sorts of things to keep a Remainer placid with a sense of impending victory: the “status quo” bounce that is expected, the “quiet Remainer” theory on the polls, the long and proud history of the British people threatening to stick it to the man before deciding not to at the last moment. But all of these things could be nonsense in the end.
I can only hope that the people of this country decide to do the right thing. The problems that have provoked this Brexit feeling – the perceived problems with immigration, English nationalism – need to be addressed, but leaving the EU isn’t the answer. It is the equivalent of dealing with a major life problem by getting tragically drunk. You just make yourself feel worse, and the problem is still there anyhow.
I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for the diagnosis. So bring it on. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, and all of that. There isn’t anything more to say until we know which way we’re headed.
The old “divide and conquer”
Let’s hope the conquerors are the Remainers, and not Brexit.
Let’s hope that if Brexit are triumphant,they have a plan in place to save us from economic disaster.
Let’s hope that if Remain are triumphant, they continue to alleviate the genuine concerns of the Brexit camp , around their astonishing lies surrounding immigration.
Let’s hope that we don’t hear anymore Churchill rhetoric.
Let’s remember Churchill was our respected,elected leader during the second world war, rousing his people to fight for their country and war torn Europe in the 20th century.The world has changed since then.
Let us remember, he was not ‘re elected after the war.
Let us remember David Cameron is our elected leader of the21st century, he was elected fairly and democratically.
He wants us to fight again for our country and Europe.
Let’s hope he is triumphant.
He will not be ‘re elected
But he will be remembered as the priminister who helped saved us from economic oblivion.
Please vote Remain.
From a Life long Labour supporter
I have already used my postal vote to REMAIN as I did in the Scottish Referendum but if a Brexit disaster overtakes us I would seriously consider calling for Scotland to leave the UK – I can’t bear the thought of a Britain led by Boris? backed by Gove? and prodded behind the scenes or even inside by Farage!
All the posters I’ve seen are for Leave, but that may be because many Leave voters have got nothing in their lives other than hating foreigners and blaming other people for the way their lives have turned out.
So it might be that the undecideds turn out for Remain, my workplace (in Crewe) gives a narrow Remain majority, but anything could happen, and it depends whether the angry wankers are diluted by a turnout from undecideds, or whether (this is unlikely) Leave can get people who aren’t massively het up about the issue into their camp.
I’ve got Friday off and I’m going to Shrewsbury and forgetting all about it, beyond listening to the World at One, it’s out of my hands now and while I dread the thought of post-Brexit Britain in which Shameron finally achieves his aim of alienating the Scots until they seperate, a rUK ruled by Johnson and Farage, I’ll probably just carry on with my environmental work (we’ll need it with Roger Helmer and Owen Patterson running our “policy”) rather than fussing any more.