Part of the notion that Donald Trump will come out ahead in the electoral college vote comes down to Brexit – I’ll admit that up front. The whole thing feels eerily like the EU referendum, and not just because of Trump’s love of all thing Brexity but rather due to the very similar things we’re all trying to take comfort in at the moment. The polling – close but on our side. The basic thought that goes: the electorate won’t do something that crazy, will they?
But more than today feeling reminiscent of June 23rd, Trump winning the presidential election just seems in tune with the times more than almost anything else I can think of. What could be more 2016 than Donald Trump being elected president of the United States after a long and hateful campaign? Seriously, there is nothing more 2016 possible. It is the very epitome of the year in which we still (unfortunately, but not long to go now) exist within.
I try and picture Hillary winning and find it difficult. It would be so delightfully out of step with the moment. The first woman president being elected in the US after her opponent spent the preceding year saying the most adolescent things imaginable and being mostly applauded for it would seem odd.
I suppose I should take heart in what my four-year-old daughter told me this morning. She thinks Hillary is going to win because, “Donald Trump is a nasty man. He thinks light skinned people are better than dark skinned people, which isn’t true, so why would Americans elect someone who doesn’t tell the truth?” But I have a feeling she will end up being disappointed along with a lot of us out there. No amount of maps of America showing me states done in light blue is going to alleviate this feeling either. Only Hillary taking the oath while the still nascent Trump News 24 has Nigel Farage shouting about the conspiracy that made it happen will make me relax.
The last time I confidently wrote, ‘They wouldn’t be so stupid as to elect him’ it was about Jeremy Corbyn.
From now on, maybe it’s best to expect the worst: Therefore, if Trump does win, I’d seriously consider putting money on Le Pen winning in France next year.
But even voicing the thought makes me feel queasy, so I probably wouldn’t …