Leave.EU, the Arron Banks UKIPpy organisation that didn’t get official campaign status over Vote Leave, demonstrated this week precisely why that was the case. They put forth a campaign ad that was like a Remain campaigner’s wet dream. It featured badly edited scenes of Syrian immigrants in different parts of Europe, all with a voice over comparing immigrants to snakes done by none other than – wait for it – Donald Trump. I know some of you might not believe me, it sounds so insane, yet here it is.
So much to say here. First off, the point of a referendum campaign is to get over 50% of the people voting in it to choose your side of the argument. That seems like such an obvious thing to point out, and yet it is ignored so often. This Leave.EU video is a perfect case in point. Donald Trump is one of the least popular human beings in 2016 Britain. The idea of using him as the mouthpiece for your views is idiotic on a level that is hard to fully describe.
Also, it blows apart one of the major arguments Leave presented as to why Obama’s words on the matter supposedly were not appreciated. We won’t have those Americans telling us what to do. Okay, so Obama weighing is bad but Donald Trump doing so is just fine?
This is before we get to the fact that the video is xenophobic almost to the level of parody, but I’m sure you’ve figured that out already.
The video surprisingly hasn’t got that much media attention. A handful of articles here and there, that’s it. If I was Stronger In, I’d be shouting from the rooftops about this. There are few world figures more toxic in the UK than The Donald at present, so the fact that one of the major campaigns for us to vote for Leave on June 23rd has used him in a video is hugely helpful. If Remain can tar Leave with the stain of Trump, it will be very helpful in regards to tipping the balance towards a Remain vote.
In conclusion, if you want Britain to Remain in the EU, do what you can to spread the word that Leave = Donald Trump. Leave.EU are very thankfully helping us out in this regard already.
LibCync says
This is a great (and quoteworthy) recent article on Mr Banks: